Let's get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and lie with him so we can preserve our family line through our father. 今夜我们再叫他喝酒,你可以进去与他同寝。这样,我们好从父亲存留后裔。
Although good will be done to Israel, in your family line there will never be an old man. 在你家中必永远没有一个老年人。
Let's get our father to drink wine and then lie with him and preserve our family line through our father. 来吧,我们可以叫父亲喝酒,然后与他同睡,这样我们可以藉著父亲保全后裔。
Thus you can see that only by tracing a particular family line, possibly back to the14th century or beyond, will you discover which version of a surname is yours. 之后,追踪族谱的唯一方法,可能是看回14世纪或更后的族谱,你就能找到属于你姓氏的部分。
The family line was rearranged when scientists sequenced the insects 'genetic material to answer an old question about how they evolved as a group. 当科学家测出这些昆虫的遗传基因,并回答了一个关于它们如何演变成同类这种古老的问题时,它们的家族线已被重新排列。
Getting married was seen as an important responsibility for a man, so the family line could continue. 结婚对于一个男人来说是一项重要的责任,家族的血脉得以繁衍。
Our household must leave someone to continue the family line. 我们这一房也应该留一个种才是。
He enters a traditional life of starting his own family and career, carrying on the family line subsequently. 随后,他步入了传统的成家立业,传宗接代的家庭生活。
When I heard of my real family line. 当我知道我有过一个真正的家。
I'm an only child and my parents want me to have children to prevent the family line dying out. 我是独子,我父母希望我能有孩子以传宗接代。
Next to family line from the gods, the Greeks valued fame through poetry and song. 除了崇尚诸神族系以外,古希腊人还崇尚名誉,常在诗和歌中颂扬。
I think the classification is somewhat less clear but those considered are probably "self-identified" so they can trace ancestors back to China and know that what family line they descend from. 所以他们才会知道祖先从中国来与自己的家庭是从家谱上那一支分出来的。
Rather, the reason most patients seek fertility treatment is to satisfy an emotional need? Usually to nurture another human being or perpetuate the family line. 早期,不育病人求医问药的原因是满足心理上的需求&通常是喂养另一个人类或是延续家庭。
To keep the family line alive. 来维持和延续家族的香火。
A woman's duty was to work and bear sons to carry on the family line. 妇女的职责是劳动,生儿子,以便传宗接代。
Her husband started keeping concubines on the pretext of trying to carry on the family line and moved to Seoul to start a new business. 她的丈夫以传宗接代为借口开始纳妾,然后搬到汉城,开始做新的生意。
Many traditional Chinese hope for a son to carry on the family line. 许多传统的老中,希望儿子传宗接代。
Just as those other things drive us toward survival, physical beauty is programmed into our brains as a means of staying alive and furthering our family line. 就如同我们其他生存本能一样,外表美已作为一个生存及繁衍后代的方式,像程序一样输进了我们的脑子里。
Thesame family line makes the Bushes distant cousins of Presidents GeorgeWashington, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Calvin Coolidge. 同一家庭的线使布什总统遥远表兄弟乔治华盛顿,富兰克林罗斯福和柯立芝。
Let's start with Boaz, from the last paragraph of the book of Ruth, there is a family line that shows Boaz forefather is Perez. 我们先来看波阿斯,从最后一段的家谱中知道,他的先祖是法勒斯。
According to research, a woman with an attractive face is taken by men to be fertile and able to continue the family line, appealing to the man's survival instinct. 男人认为长相貌美的女子生育力强,能够维系家庭纽带,而这正符合男人的生存本能。
The high sex ratio at birth in the 1990s in China was a result of prenatal sex selection, reflecting farmer's desire for fewer children but one son to continue family line. 我国90年代出生性别比的异常偏高是客观事实,是产前性别选择的结果,也是农民不愿多生但想生儿子的生育意愿的反映,而农民想生儿子的主要目的是为了传宗接代。
For the upper class women, the re-emergence of big families made them become a continuation of the family line, they were the intergenerational transmission backbone of the family. 对于上等阶层的女性而言,大家族的再度出现使她们成为延续家族血脉,实现家族遗产代际传递的中坚力量。
Male college students 'reproductive purpose is still traditional, and still holds a strong "family line" concept. They consider that they have responsibility for transmission of his family blood and reproduction of the descendants. 男性大学生在生育目的上仍具有传统性,依然持有较强的传宗接代观念,认为自己承担了传承家族血脉,繁衍家族后代的责任。
Paediatrics diseases had always been the main focus of most doctors in ancient China when continue the family line were important. 在重视子嗣延续的古代中国,儿科疾病一直是广大医者努力和探索的方向。
The women trapped in the family only as a family line of tools and a "thing". They are dependent on men in economical. 女性受困于家庭只是作为传宗接代和性工具的一个物,她们在经济上依附于男人。
In the part of the fertility purpose, mainly to increase happiness primarily, and with the main purpose of childbearing generational supplemented, the traditional fertility purpose that endowment and carry on the family line in traditional society will not happen. 在生育目的方面,主要以增加快乐为主,兼有养儿防老与传宗接代为辅的生育目的。传统社会以养老和传宗接代为主的传统生育目的难再现。
So the practice of filial duty in the family is not only limited to the care of this life, but also includes the funeral and memorial ceremony after parents 'death. The most important is the continuity of family line. 因此孝道在家庭中的实践不仅限于现世的赡养,还包括父母去世后的丧礼和祭祀活动,更重要的是保证家庭的延续。